Q: What superpower do you wish you had but you don't? Will better sleep help you unlock it?
A. Duuuuuuuuuuuuude! Wow.. This one took me a minute. Superpowers are all dazzling. Who wouldn't want to fly? Or be ultra strong? Or be able to teleport? Or have telekinesis? I mean, these are all fantastic powers! Yet we are grounded in a reality where some are not possible. Or are they?
For instance, it may not be possible to lift a giant boulder in one hand. However, it IS possible to be stronger tomorrow than I am today. Same does for speed. I may not break the sound barrier in my jogging shoes, but I can do faster tomorrow than I went today.
One thing I struggle with is choosing to respond instead of reacting to situations. Especially in a post pandemic shutdown world, the challenges we face are huge. And everybody has coped differently with the situation. Half the time something upsetting flies my way, it is a waste of my time and energy to get bent out of shape. If I instead choose to respond with cool and calm emotions, I can conserve my energy for when the party bus arrives and it's time to have some fun!
I know that if I get to bed on time for more than just one day, but many dies if not weeks, my brain is much more Cape-able of taking a second to choose a response. When we are exhausted, the slightest things can push us over the edge. Things get said we can't take back. Things get done that we can't undo. Emotional mastery is a superpower. I strive to be better at it tomorrow than I am today. And by unlocking this superpower. I can achieve happiness in a world where it's hard to find.
Looking for some emotional mastery in your live? I have sleep systems that can maximize your sleep. Have you ever tried the Game Changer? It can help you sleep like a superhero. Then you can begin to be awake like one! And feel free to text me at 704-498-4451 with your sleep related questions.