Q: Is Halloween your favorite holiday of the year because everybody is dressed up in a costume like you?
A: Dude... harsh words! This is not a costume! I proudly wear a Superhero Sleep Suit made of mattress materials featured in the Lake Norman line of beds here at the store. Truth be told, my favorite holiday of the year is Easter because of the challenge of giving something up for Lent that case the 40-ish days prior to Easter Sunday.
I'm going to sound like a giant curmudgeon when I say this but Halloween is my least favorite holiday. First of all, most folks are shocked to learn I don't do costume parties. Next, people stay up late ON PURPOSE! Kids eat way too much candy to get a good night's sleep let alone what all that added sugar does to their gut bacteria. Good sleep doesn't just happen by going to bed every night on a schedule. There are tons of contributing factors tors to our daily lives that can make good sleep nearly impossible. Most people don't know that your stomach is home to 400x the melatonin that is found in your brain. So if you enjoy splurging on added sugar flora defeating food, you may not enjoy the benefits superpowers can have on your daily life.
While one night a year is not that bad, Halloween minus the costumes looks a lot like the routine life of most adults on the weekends. This kind of behavior over time can cause significant issues to our health. The lack of sleep will make us more prone to gaining weight, losing motivation and getting sick. And there is a vicious relationship between not eating well and not sleeping well which also turns around on if you don't sleep well you are likely not to eat well either. Doing both of those things sub par can send your life into a tailspin!
Just because Halloween is a late night event, this doesn't mean you can't be responsible the other 364 days of the year, right? LOL If you are looking to improve your sleep habits during the normal non-festive party days and nights of the year, text me at 704-498-4451! I'm a Superhero Sleep Coach and can help you develop your Game Plan for Better Sleep!