Q: What sleep advice do you have for 55+ year old Lake Normians that want to age in place and stay independent for as long as possible?
A: For the record, this was an actual question I got in the showroom on Saturday from a fan of the Sleep Superhero column. It is a breach of contract to tell a lie as a Superhero. This is a fantastic question to boot because we often take our health for granted. Not necessarily on purpose. It’s just so easy to do. And we typically don’t realize how good we have it until we find out there is a chance we aren’t going to have it anymore or worse, it’s gone...
So, aging in place you say? What do I plan to do? I have learned from Sleep Sources like Matthew Walker’s Master Class “The Science of Sleep” and Shawn Stephenson’s Sleep Smarter, that sleep is harder to get as we age. I practice being in bed for 7.5 hours every night right now so if things change drastically, I am seeing the signs that something might be wrong with my health. And if I wake up after only four or five hours, I stay in bed and try to relax to get the last sleep cycle in if I can. Saying I only need five hours and I’m good is a mistake. It can literally shorten your life expectancy.
Next, I focus on my routine as I go to bed and as I wake up. Since my customer asked me, I decided to add picking up things on the floor around the bed and the stairs as part of my bedtime routine. I don’t want to trip on something in the dark. I want to master this habit before it’s too late! I will reduce the chances of an accident and therefore increase my odds of extended independence. And I also increase the odds of a happy marriage as theobstacles on the floor are my shoes and clothes. My wife is loving this one!
I have more tips but only so much space. I will answer this again in a future article. In case you too have a sleep related question, don’t hesitate to text me at 704-498-4451. I consider myself a Sleep Expert and will do my best to help you find a sleep solution!
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